Press and interviews 2015

18:26:00 Giovanna Cerise 0 Comments

An interview with Giovanna Cerise

Bryn Oh: Where are you from?  And who are the most renowned (not necessarily the best)  artists from your country in your opinion?

Giovanna Cerise:     I live in Italy, and currently I teach Italian and Latin Literature in a high school. I have joined to my liberal arts studies, the musical studies by studying classical guitar and  musical  Paleography. So for a long time music has been my main activity. My passion for virtual art has filled the emptiness left in me from having abandoned it.  Making a choice of famous artists in the world is very difficult, in a country like Italy, where you breathe art in every corner.....

Le installazioni musicali di Giovanna Cerise

Quando si entra in un mondo virtuale e si comincia a sentire l’impulso di creare qualcosa tutto il nostro bagaglio culturale ed esperienziale viene traferito lì dentro come per magia. Chi si mette in gioco si arricchisce, scopre attitudini che nemmeno sospettava, ma arricchisce anche gli altri della propria conoscenza....

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Memories and passive reflections in Second Life

The latter is inspired  by the poem Non recidere, forbice, quel volto (“Do not chop away, shears, that face”) by Eugenio Montale from his 1939 collection Le Occasioni. The design and execution of the installation, to me, both reflects the nuance of the poem and also echoes elements from some of Giovanna’s past works in form and colour, if not in actual content.



Now open at Berg by Nordan Art, owned and curated by Kate Bergdorf, is Memories, an installation by Giovanna Cerise that was inspired by the poem "Non recidere, forbice, quel volto" (or "Do not chop away, shears, that face") from the 1939 collection Le Occasioni by Italian Nobel Prize winning poet Eugenio Montale. In this work, faces on semi-transparent cubes emerge, merge, and recess away, much as memories do, and symbols of time — the gears of a clock — rotate around a faceless form. The evocative elements are bathed in the fading light of evening. 

Tristan und Isolde

Giovanna Cerise’s new exhibit Tristan und Isolde at Italian Verse opens tomorrow, July 15, 2015 at 1:30 PM. This breathtaking show is of course inspired by the opera with the same name in three acts by composer Richard Wagner. 

Tristan und Isolde in Second Life

Opera is often said to be drama on a grand scale, and Giovanna’s installation is very much a reflection of this. It captures an influential piece of opera in the most beautiful and dramatic of ways, a magnificent reflection of Wagner’s work, exquisite in its detail and tone, right down to the selected windlight and the incorporation of musical spheres containing extracts from the opera itself (don’t have the local audio stream running when visiting!).
Truly an installation not to be missed.

Great Second Life Art Installations: Tristan and Isolde by Giovanna Cerise


The soaring notes and dramatic colorizations of Wagner's music provide the inspiration to Giovanna's striking art installation which I found to compliment the Opera perfectly.

Tristan und Isolde

Opening today, Wednesday, July 15 at 1:30 pm slt, is Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Isolde) by Giovanna Cerise, with an introduction by Francesco Bonetto, at ItalianVerse. Inspired by Richard Wagner's opera of the same name, written between 1857 and 1859 and premiered in 1865, the installation is an imposing set or stage of sorts — one can well imagine a production of the work being staged in the very space. 


Caught in Eternal Suspense

A complex piece mixing geometrical forms with human elements, the installation extends several hundred metres into the air, encompassing a number of distinct levels. Within the lattices and sphere which give a sense of order to the the build, there is also an element of disorder: human figures rising from the lowest platform, climbing the lattices upwards into the sky, stretching up towards a white figure crouched at the highest level...

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The Eternal Suspense

Whenever I talk with Giovanna about her works, her explanations seamlessly weave together the humanities with mathematics. Here, she focuses on the classic Greek dichotomy of Apollo and Dionysus, two gods often contrasted as opposites...
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The Eternal Suspense

Giovanna Cerise’s new work The Eternal Suspense opened today on LEA 21 and will remain open until June 30. This is a large, intricate and multilayered installation. With it Giovanna explores the contrasting thoughts of Apollo and Dionysus utilizing Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy.


“Speculum” by Giovanna Cerise at LEA6

Giovanna Cerise is one of the many great Italian artists active in Second Life, and one I particularly admire...... 

The Art of Mirrors in Second Life

Giovanna Cerise is one of a very large and active community of italian artists in Second Life. I love her, and I love her work, and her latest installation is wonderful.
It’s all about mirrors:
The mirror, as multiplicity and continuous playback....
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Speculum at LEA 6

There is something hauntingly beautiful about Giovanna Cerise’s newest installation Speculum at LEA 6. Immediately upon arrival I found myself mesmerized by this large and abstract build. A myriad of wooden beams of sorts are joined together in several intricate clusters and form a long tunnel as well as a few tent-like shapes....

Speculum i tiden

Formdynamik är inte bara ett menyval i bildredigeringsprogram utan mer filosofiskt intressant ett sätt att göra tidspilen oberoende av ett speciellt initialskede i universums historia. Med hjälp av en formdynamisk lag för universums gravitation beskriver....

Doing it with mirrors in Second Life

Speculum is the title of Giovanna’s Cerise’s new installation at LEA6, the home of the UWA’s Full Sim Arts series....

Giovanna Cerise -- Then and Now

Not long after I opened Split Screen, perhaps in spring 2011, Giovanna Cerise contacted me asking to build there. She had a show at a gallery, so I took a look. Most of the work was smallish and in the very contained abstract style one sees frequently in SL; it's a genre that generally leaves me cold. As a result I didn't think she was quite ready to get "out of the box" in the way Split Screen installations had to be. Nevertheless I sensed something promising there, and so I invited her to check in with me later -- and about a year later she did. Her work had developed enormously by then, and I was happy to host her at Split Screen. The result was Synesthesia, which showed in August and September 2012....
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Giovanna Cerise Retrospective

....The exhibition ranges from her earliest work — the yellowObelisco a sorpresa... in the image above, from May 2009 (three months after she began to build) — to a section of her recent LEA installation Chaos, Kosmos (read more here) from November 2014...
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Casting a retrospective eye on Giovanna Cerise

Retrospective is the title of a new exhibition curated by Owl Braveheart, one of the powerhouses behind the FIAT (FIne ARt) project in Second Life. It features the work of Giovanna Cerise, presenting – as the name suggests – a retrospective of her art from the period 2009 (shortly after her arrival in SL at the end of 2008) through until the end of 2014...
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Giovanna Cerise Retrospective

Giovanna Cerise’s new exhibit, Retrospective, opens today, Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 1 PM SLT at the Gay Island Resort gallery. The show contains selected works from 2009 to 2014 and there is some wonderful art to be seen here. I bumped into Giovanna as I looked around in the gallery and we talked about how the exhibit really does display a sense of evolution in her work, from early prim use to now working with mesh. Some of her more recent black and white works remind me of diamonds or fine jewelry. I find them quite breathtaking....

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